
3 min readOct 29, 2020


Today I will help you make a research on the Frontier project and their Front token. This material will be useful for beginners and advanced crypto amateurs.

Let’s start with a project. What is Front?
Front is
1) a multifunctional application through which the user can track and manage all his assets: stake, exchange, provide liquidity to liquidity pools and CDPs.
Currently, Frontier supports such networks, protocols, platforms, staking.

Let’s use examples:
There is Bob, Bob has many wallets in which he stores money, and Bob also has a lot of assets in different projects. It is difficult for Bob to manage assets in such a situation, because in order to track all his assets, Bob needs to open 100,500 browser tabs, download 100,500 applications to the phone and plug-ins into the browser. Here Frontier comes to the rescue of Bob, which collects information about all assets in one place — the Frontier application. Let’s say that Bob has a $ KAVA token and Bob wants to stake it — please, Bob, stake them: you don’t even need to go to the browser, just have the Froniert app on your phone.

2) The Front will soon launch their own blockchain — Frontier Chain.
“Frontier will allow content creators, blockchain companies, and other industry leaders to acquire and issue non-fungible tokens natively.”
There is no exact launch date for Testnet and Mainnet yet, but tentatively Testnet will be launched in Q1 2021, and Mainnet in Q2 2021.

Frontier has its own token — Front ($ FRONT).

First, let’s go through the basic characteristics of the token:
Token type — ERC-20
Total Supply — 100,000,000 $ FRONT
Supply on the date of creation of the material — ~ 10 630 007 $ FRONT
Capitalization at the date of creation of the material — ~ $ 3,131,198

Now let’s talk about the functionality of the token:
1) Staking
Holders of the $ FRONT token will have the option to stake it to become a validator on the Frontier Chain.

2) Governance
Frontier will create, as I understand it, $ gFRONT, the governance token used to vote on Frontier Chain.

3) NFT Acquisition & Creation
$ FRONT will be the preferred form of payment available for token issuance, transfer, and destruction of NFT’s created by using Frontier.

4) Gasless Transactions
$ FRONT will subsidize gas commissions for transactions made within the Frontier Suite.

5) Frontier Incentivization Protocol
$ FRONT will be given to Frontier app users as a reward for being active in the app. Blocking $ FRONT in the Frontier Vault will give access to free and near-free transactions.

6) LP
At the moment, it is already possible to become a liquidity provider for $ FRONT tokens for some liquidity pools.

List of investors:

Conclusion: *I express purely my opinion, without a call for investment*
It is likely that in a year or so, Frontier will become an “everyday” application for many people, thanks to a large package of simplifications in the life of a trader / investor.
I personally like the project and I have a little $ FRONT in my pocket. I think we will hear a lot more interesting news from the Frontier team in the future.



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