Nym Gateways play a crucial role in the Nym network by providing access points for users to access the network while ensuring their communications remain private. Follow this step-by-step guide to set up your Nym Gateway.
Before you begin, make sure you have the following:
- A virtual private server (VPS) or a dedicated server running a Linux-based operating system (Ubuntu 20.04 LTS is recommended).
- Basic knowledge of the Linux command line.
- Access to your server via SSH.
Step 1: Acquiring NYM Tokens
Before setting up your Gateway, you will need NYM tokens. These tokens are required for staking and participation in the network. You can acquire NYM tokens through exchanges where they are listed.
Step 2: Connecting to your server
Open your terminal and connect to your server via SSH. Replace your_server_ip
with your server IP address.
ssh your_username@your_server_ip
Step 3: Updating your system
Ensure your server’s packages are up to date by running:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
Step 4: Installing Docker
Docker is used to run Nym Gateways inside containers. Install Docker on your server by following the official Docker installation guide for Ubuntu: Docker Installation Guide
Step 5: Installing Docker Compose
Docker Compose simplifies the process of managing Docker containers. Install it by running:
sudo apt install docker-compose
Step 6: Cloning the Nym repository
Clone the Nym repository from GitHub to your server:
git clone https://github.com/nymtech/nym.git
cd nym
Step 7: Building the Nym Gateway Container
Navigate to the gateways
directory within the Nym repository:
cd gateways
Use Docker Compose to build the Nym Gateway container:
sudo docker-compose build
Step 8: Configuring your Gateway
You’ll need to create a configuration file for your Gateway. Use a text editor like Nano to create a config.toml
file and customize it with your settings:
nano config/config.toml
Refer to the official Nym documentation for details on configuring your Gateway: Nym Gateway Configuration
Step 9: Starting Your Nym Gateway
Once your configuration is set, start the Nym Gateway container:
sudo docker-compose up -d
Your Nym Gateway is now running as a Docker container on your server.
Step 10: Checking Gateway status
You can check the status of your Gateway by running:
sudo docker-compose logs --tail=10 -f gateway
This command displays the last 10 lines of the Gateway logs and follows new log entries in real-time.
Step 11: Staking your NYM Tokens
To participate in the Nym network and receive rewards, you’ll need to stake your NYM tokens. Follow the instructions provided in the official Nym documentation for staking: Staking Guide
Step 12: Monitoring Your Gateway
Keep an eye on your Gateway’s performance and status to ensure it’s running smoothly. You can use various monitoring tools and refer to the official documentation for more details.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up a Nym Gateway, allowing users to access the Nym network securely and privately.